Digital Content Training is a self-serve online training course for editing the Boston Children’s Hospital external website,  This Training consists of 2 modules, Standard Editor and Premium Editor Training.  Both courses must be completed to be granted access to the Content Management System (CMS). When you successfully complete the Premium Editor Training you will be asked to fill out a form that will generate a HelpDesk Ticket to grant you access to the external Website.

To enroll in the courses below, please visit our enrollment page. If you have already received a username and password for these courses, please enter them on the next page when prompted.
This will differ from your other usernames and passwords.

Standard Editor Training

  • access to make edits to your content
  • linking to additional content
  • understanding page layouts
  • using components
  • publishing workflow

Premium Editor Training

  • advanced components
  • uploading media files
  • accessibility requirements
  • optimize for search engines
  • best practices

If you would prefer an in-person training, please contact  For any additional web content tickets, submit a remedy ticket.

To submit a remedy ticket:
1. Open your Web browser while in our network or on the VPN.

2. Copy & paste this link in the URL field:

3. Enter your full name and your BCH email username (ID number).

4. Include the Page URL you require assistance with.

5. Click “Submit” at the bottom

Helpful hints:

  • Please fill in the “Problem in detail” field box describing the current state of the content and desired changes.
  • Provide any relevant files that may assist in expediting a solution